Selling Your Home From Afar


It might not seem like the most ideal situation but sometimes it’s the way it goes. Selling your home when you have already relocated, perhaps even to another state, can seem very risky. But if you’ve selected expert industry professionals to help you through the process, then you’ll find it can be almost the same as selling your home while you’re still in your house.

When selling your home, whether you’re still in the house or not, the most important thing you can do is get sound advice from experts in the industry including lawyers, tax accounts, real estate agents, and mortgage brokers. The more knowledge you have the better the transaction will go. Make a strong effort to discuss your plans to move out of the house before you sell it with these professionals. They can advise you of any particular legal and tax concerns with the sale of your home.

If your home has been rented for a long time and you’re finally opting to sell, make sure you inform your tenant properly and with plenty of time for your tenant to make other living arrangements. Also, it’s likely you’ll need to do some repairs and general maintenance so be sure to budget time and money for those items that need work. While it may not be the most appealing, traveling back to your rental during a week-long vacation break or a long weekend could provide you time to handle important maintenance issues. It’ll also give you an opportunity to determine how soon you can put your home on the market after having rented it for an extended period of time.

Another great way to keep close tabs on your home for sale from afar is to have a relative in the area or good friend drop in to visit the home and check to make sure things are in good order. Of course, your agent will be there to do this as well as showing the property but it doesn’t hurt to have another person helping out.

Once the home is vacant, it’s important to give it a lived-in feel. So make sure you have an automatic lights and a working security system. These two items can significantly cutdown the chances of your home getting broken into or vandalized.

Remember that selling your home from near or far is about getting potential buyers to see it. These days that means creating not only hard-copy flyers but also a stream of steady posts of high-quality images and videos to social media sites. There are many places to feature your home, both in personal and business social media sites. Make use of all of them. The more you get the word out (and pictures and video), the greater the chance you have of selling your home quickly.

Staying in close communication with your team of experts who are helping sell your home is vital. You can get comps and follow market trends to assess if your home is priced correctly for a fast and efficient sale. Also stay up on the local news. Being an informed seller will keep you in the best position to make important and quick decisions when the time comes.



To access all the Incline Village and Lakeshore Realty listings please click here. You can also contact us by email or call us at 775-831-7000. If you are in Incline Village, please visit us at 954 Lakeshore Blvd. Incline Village, NV 89451.



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